What I eat in a day :) + nutrients

Hey hey :)

I thought I'd make today's post slightly different from our usual ones. Today I'm writing about an average day of eating for me. Well it's not quite an average day, since I did this on a very busy day school wise, but in general you should get the idea.

I woke up super early for me, at 6.45...well the alarm was at 6.45...I woke up a bit after 7. I'm personally not very hungry, when I wake up, especially when it's so early. Therefore, I had a rather small breakfast of a bit of oat flakes mixed with soy yoghurt (coconut flavoured) and some goji berries and blueberries, it was delicious and gave me enough energy to go for my workout.

Breakfast in a glass

I had a Body Stretch class at 8. First one of this semester and it was very nice as usually. It's a mix of yoga, pilates and a bit of stretching.

After that I got back to the dorm, still not hungry...but I did have a small piece of chocolate...I love chocolate...

Big thanks to Johanna for all the chocolate...two little mice already had a bite..

Between two of my classes I had a banana, cause it's easy to take along and eat, even when I'm on the go.

Then I had a 4 hour long chemistry lab with no breaks, so understandably I was quite hungry by the time I got away from there. I had one of my vegan chocolate chip cookies and some berries, while waiting for the dinner to get ready.

For dinner I made a salad with different greens, tomatoes, carrots, beet, cucumber and lentils, on the side I also had a bit of herring. It was so good and I made enough to also have it tomorrow...or today, when this post is going up.


After that we had some raspberry mint chocolate cake, which we had left over from valentines day...needless to say, it was amazing.

As a snack in the evening I had blueberries, tangerines, some nuts and another banana.

Drinks wise, I only had water, since tap water here doesn't taste very good, I drank my favourite bottled water, which is VitamineralWater in the grapefruit and lemongrass flavour.

All in all I think I did well, I was a little low on calories, which is the main reason, why I didn't get quite all of my necessary nutrients, but I'll try to make up for it during the next days.

A little chart of nutrients I got, for anyone interested

That's it, hope it was interesting,
Kaiela :)


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