Our guide to exotic fruit

Hello :)

Today I thought I'd write a bit about my experience with exotic fruits, I have tried quite a few by now and have formed my own opinion of them.

I guess I'll start with something I've actually enjoyed - dragon fruit. You can find them in different colours, but the ones most common here are white on the inisde, with a thin layer of pinkish purple skin, which you can't eat by the way. The inside also has small black seeds, which are edible. I enjoy eating dragon fruit a lot, because it doesn't have too strong of a sour or sweet taste, it's easy to eat, not sticky or too watery, it looks a bit similar to kiwi, but you don't get the juice everywhere, when you're eating it and it's also not as sour. The only downside is that it's so expensive, not exactly an everyday fruit.

Figs are rather nice as well, Kai prefers figs to dragon fruit, I prefer dragon fruit, though, Figs are good, sure, but something about their tecture bothers me sometimes and they also go bad quite fast. We've only tried one type of figs, but there are actually plenty in different colours and sizes, so I recommend giving them a try, most of the time they're cheaper than dragon fruit and most exotic fruit actually.

Starfruit is another one that I quite enjoyed, it has a rather neutral, slightly sour taste to it, and it looks very beautiful as a decoration or with fruit salads. However, it is also rather pricy, an individual fruit is affordable, but when you look at the price per kg, then it's definitely closer to the dragon fruit price range.

Lychee is another fruit we've tried, I'd categorise it along with rambutans though, since they're quite similar in looks and taste. Lychees are a lot cheaper though, so when you have the chance opt for them. I don't know how to describe their taste exactly, they're like grapes, only a bit sweeter and the texture is different as well, It might be weird to say it, but texture and look wise they're sort of like eyeballs...I'll leave you with that.

I'm also going to talk about a fruit, which wasn't exactly worth the money, in my opinion. there is this slightly odd looking fruit called cherimoya, which was clamed to taste heavenly, but the first time I brought it home and cut it open, it looked exactly like meat, brown and not so pleasant. I later read, what a ripe cherimoya is supposed to look like and gave it another try, I was unfortunately not as amazed by it, as a lot of people have been. It has big seeds in it, which makes it hard to eat, and there are so many of them, the bit of fruit that I did get wasn't exactly impressing.

All in all with exotic fruit there's always a chance that you won't get it when it's ripe or you won't know how to eat it or you're just not used to it, but from the ones that we've eaten most have been a postive experience. I've actually tried many other exotic fruits that didn't make it to this post, maybe one day they'll be in a follow up.

Kaiela :)


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