How Suzy died...

This post is in loving memory of Suzy, our pot plant.

She was a beautiful Poinsettia, red and white petals, a gift from our good friend. She had a life expectancy of about 3 weeks. She lived near the window in our dorm and was a happy flower.

We were very proud of her, gave her water, talked to her, but when we both left for home for the holidays she had to stay behind.

We came back in a few weeks, had left her water and made her feel comfortable...and when we returned, she was still was magical, she had lived for over a month by then.

We could only stay in the dorm for a few days, but during those few days we took good care of her...sort of.

Then came the day we had to leave again, we left her alone...and forgot the water...returned in three weeks...

The end

Kaiela :)

Sidenote...Kai wished to say that unicorns are real!!!
By the way, this is obviously not a serious blog post...just in case


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