Why eat healthily?

Hello :)

Now that I've very briefly written about what healthy is to me and how to begin to achieve that state of healthy, I thought I'd write a bit about the most question of them all...why?

Why eat healthily and why engage yourself to a healthy lifestyle? It seems like a lot of a hassle, doesn't it?

Whenever I bring up the subject of healthy living or good diet in particular, I seem to find a few people, who get that look in their face, as if I had the goal to torture them. I barely get to say a few words, when I get in response something along the lines of "I only live once, I'm going to eat, what I want" or "I've tried it, it doesn't work, doesn't make a difference" or "I want to enjoy life..." and so on.

Whenever I hear something like that, I do get a little discouraged, since all I was saying, that I want to change myself to be healthier and have a better quality of life now and in the future, but by their reactions you could think I'm trying to convert them into a secret cult of people, who run around naked in the shadows of the night.

But anyway, that's a bit beyond the point, I think they actually might not be so much against healthy eating, but more against having to change themselves and their habbits, when they see now clear reason why.

Well, I'm going to bring you that reason, it's actually quite logical. There is this beautiful phrase, you are what you eat, and by that I don't mean that if you eat bananas you're going to turn into a banana. What I mean is that if you eat well and in a blanced way, you'll feel good and balanced.

The feeling of it doesn't really seem to inspire a lot of people, because we want to look good, for others and for ourselves, just feeling it seems a little bit uninteresting, I guess. 

But feeling good and most of all feeling healthy should be the goal. How we eat and fuel our bodies has a huge part in how good our health is. You might not see anything wrong at the moment, the younger we are, the more we feel, like we're going to live forever, we're good now, so why shouldn't we feel good in the future?

The thing is, most diseases don't have any symptoms until they've developed quite far and there's not much we can do about them anymore, apart from cure the symptom, but not the cause. 

The causes of such dieseases as cancer, heart disease, stroke, dementia, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and so on, are not very widely talked about, but research has shown, that they all stem from chronical inflammation, if you've never heard of such a thing, then you're probably not the only one, I only started reading more about it a year or so ago. It's quite a recent issue.

Chronical inflammation is the type of inflammation, that damages tissues in our body, it is continous and unnoticed, until enough damage has been done for it to cause symptoms of a disease.There are a lot of causes for chronical inflammation, quite a few of them related to how we eat.

It might seem that I've drifted away from the question I set in the beginning, which was why eat healthily, but actually I'm quite close to it now. Basicly, if those diseases, which cause complications in our daily lives and have a high death rate, can be prevented with good nutrition and healthier lifestyle choices, wouldn't you do anything to minimise your chance of getting them?

I don't find it difficult to answer, I would. I want to be healthy, I also want the people I care about to be healthy and have a good quality of life, not just now, but also in the future.

So the easy answer to, why eat healthily is simple...I eat healthily, to the best of my abilities, because I want to be healthy today, tomorrow, in 10 and in 50 years.

I think that's it for today, have a beautiful and healthy day
Kaiela :)


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